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Fortnite Tips & Tricks for PC and Controller

Fortnite Tips & Tricks for PC and Controller

Do you want smoother and faster editing do you hate fumbling. Today we got Fortnite Tips & Tricks for PC and Controller to help you improve. Later we got some of the best editing Maps. Let’s get right down to it with our first tip number one. Wonder how the pros can do it so quickly here’s a tip to strengthen your mentality as you head into learn Advanced tips all it

Fortnite Tips & Tricks for PC and Controller

Fortnite Tips & Tricks for PC and Controller

takes to edit is hitting your edit bind doing the motions and confirming say only three steps some edits are more useful than others so if you want to narrow down the scope of things focus on learning the Motions for edits such as window edits upper right hand edits floor hole edits and more we’ll go into some details later soon you’ll have a whole arsenal of editing techniques that you can use on command without having to focus on the editing Grid at all that’s the power of bustle memory two however

Fortnite Tips & Tricks for PC and Controller

if you want to reach this level of skill you need to focus on two key elements Crosshair placement and timing Crosshair placement guarantees that you can be in a place to hit all the appropriate squares on the editing grid with as little movement as possible timing means being able to hit the appropriate inputs quickly as you edit to achieve height take advantage of a peek or drop in on your opponent if you want complete master 3 over your Crosshair our in-depth aim guide has everything you need to practice like a pro soon you’ll

Fortnite Tips & Tricks for PC and Controller

Fortnite Tips & Tricks for PC and Controller

be moving faster than your opponents and outplaying them at every turn three if you want to improve your timing you need optimal keybinds for editing if you’re on controller you need to start practicing cloth one of the quickest binds for keyboard is setting editing to e meanwhile in controller setting R3 to edit works best 4.

Editing also requires smooth but stable settings. If your Crosshair movement is too sensitive. It’ll fly off the handle quickly if not you’ll be editing too slow try to find a pro that you think fits.

Your play style and copy their scents this is a great way to get the ball rolling on your training. Five a great way to learn Crosshair placement and editing consistency with your motions is to lower. Your sense as much as possible till your movements are down to a crawl this way you can slow down. Focus on the grid while you get the hang of placing. Editing pieces if you want true slow motion though Maps such as smooth crank simulator have a slow motion feature so you don’t have to keep messing with your settings each time you want to train this way later you can speed up the footage and see what your edits will look like once you’ve mastered it.

Fortnite Tips & Tricks for PC and Controller

Fortnite Tips & Tricks for PC and Controller

once you’ve learned the different editing grid combinations needed to pull off edits it’s time to tighten your Crosshair placement. So while you’re free building practice tightening your edits little by little till you’re making successful edits. While barely moving your crosshairs at all learn properly and you should look like this seven. If you want to master your Crosshair placement and learn the quickest motions to complete . Edit try this aim plus mechanics map you’ll be performing a variety of edits. As you move from piece to piece but the best part is that. It shows you where your Crosshair should be for the most optimized edit think of this map as training wheels for your brain.

however tightening your crosshairs is just one way to trimming your edit time. If you know the edit you want. You need to hit before you place your build this way. When you open up your editing grid you’re immediately in place to hit the first Square in the chain. This simple trick helps you speed things up without having to readjust your crosshairs at the start of each edit. Nine if you’re doing multiple edits one after another make a habit of ending your edits where the next edit. Will begin this way you can quickly start working on the next one without having to slow down. This could be great for claiming The High Ground during the end game or keeping up with the storm.

Now if you’re making edits with the intention of taking a shot at your opponent. Try this before confirming practice finishing your edits in a way that leaves your crosshairs. As close to your opponent as possible this means once the edit is complete. You can instantly be ready to take the shot and deal some damage. Later we’ll show you some maps that you can use to teach yourself to optimally.

We mentioned this before put a quick refresh. If you’re on controller Clause must have if you want quicker editing speed with every button more accessible. You can switch between modes faster while staying on the Move now this is just essential. If you have Learners blocking can’t seem to improve try this go to your settings. If you want less input to layer Ping turn off the settings that record your matches this should reduce the input delay and lighten the load on your response time dipping frames are bad but even if they’re fluctuating between 140 and 160.

whether you play on roller or mnk one of the most important things you need to keep an eye on is your FPS you want it high but you also want it as stable as possible and turn on auto confirm edits and auto confirm reset having these both on makes any controller player’s life so much easier.

Controller players may not be able to achieve the same speeds as keyboard and mouse players however they could still rely on Smart plays to get a one-up on their opponents while training your edits focus more on consistency rather than speed then start watching

how some of the best players in the game respond to other players during fights. If you can learn to be a smarter player then you’ll be able to counter most of your opponents plays. Trick them into leaving themselves open. If you’re interested in easily transitioning from a controller player to a keyboard. Mouse player you can use the maps from this video or even programs.

Don’t forget to reset your edits while learning to open up. Edits many players forget that closing your edit is still a valid strategy resetting your edit can trick enemies into wasting their pre-fire shot but it can also prevent your opponent from getting an angle on you after you’re done taking your own shot.

A great way to practice your edits is by doing double. Then triple edits riding these specific edits will train you to perform multiple edits. One after another Raiders practice edit map is one of the best ways to challenge yourself. Develop muscle memory you can even use this map if you want to try out new settings .

Fortnite Tips & Tricks for PC and Controller

Upwards edits and downwards have their fair share of differences. You’ll need upwards editing skills to gain High Ground during the end game . You’ll need downwards editing to finish off opponents you manage to trap below you being able to properly downwards. Edit can make the difference between seeing the opportunity for a refresh and actually obtaining it.

Some of the best edits such as the peanut butter Peak or the mongrel classic require you to be comfortable moving while editing however some edits even require you to keep gravity in mind such as low ground edits that let you take Jabs at players a bit further above you and then use gravity to get back behind cover before we move on to our next tips don’t forget to check out our in-depth aim guide by following the link here.

A smooth edit isn’t just fast it’s also protected. It’s just the bare minimum luckily Raiders mechanics map has a scenario that’ll keep track of your edits. If it’s not 100 protected it’ll break your Shields this way you can develop proper muscle memory. Also keep you thinking about your defensive and offensive angles.

Fortnite Tips & Tricks for PC and Controller

Finally if you really want to put your edits into real situations. Then don’t forget about Zone Wars this game mode is the ultimate pressure. If you can’t edit you’ll be eliminated instantly by other opponents use your edits to stay alive. Get e-lims these tips will help you become a smoother editor overall and if you keep training with these Maps you’ll see Improvement in no time stay fresh fortnite fam.

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